e: info@lauracourtphotography.com
p: +64 21 170 1775
A small French settlement called Akaroa is where we spent all our summer holidays as children. Dad would launch the boat as the sun was rising in the distance and we would set out towards the heads. The water was always calm at his time of the morning, the light would glimmer on the water as the salty spray coming off the side of the boat would wash over our faces.
If we were lucky, we would find dolphins, jumping overboard into the water to join them.
I never appreciated being able to move freely until I had cancer as a teenager. When I recovered, I was unstoppable.
Since then I have lived on the lakes edge in a small town in Canada, dodged a brown bear in Nakusp by singing as I slowly walked around it, hiked through the beautiful Yosemite National Park in California, studied photography at Rhode Island School of Design in America, lived and worked on a yacht in Croatia and the South of France, swam and photographed manta rays in Nanuya Balavu Island - always returning to the water with my camera in hand.
As a photographer I’ve shot for many brands both in New Zealand and overseas and recently exhibited as part of the Women’s Work exhibition in Auckland.
I currently live in Auckland, New Zealand, hiking and swimming in the ocean at every opportunity; a constant reminder of those sunny mornings as a child in Akaroa. As I did then, I’m always seeking a sense of ease and lightness within my work and in my interactions with people and the planet.
Auckland Council. Auckland Transport. Best Design Awards. Briscoes. BP. Culture Agency. Countdown. Chemist Warehouse. Freedom Furniture. Farmers. KFC. New Zealand Police. Net-a-Porter (London). Ogilvy New Zealand. Savor Group. Stanley Street. Torpedo 7. Rebel Sport. Wellcom Worldwide.